P 9088 4945 E info.caseyobs@gmail.com / DrJLKeane@gmail.com
Pregnancy planning
Carrier screening RANZCOG TIP
Pregnancy information - testing for genetic problems
CVS- chorionic villus sampling*
Pregnancy information - routine
Antenatal care during pregnancy RANZCOG TIP
Common questions in pregnancy RANZCOG TIP
Cord blood banking RANZCOG TIP
Exercise in pregnancy RANZCOG TIP
Tests and investigations in pregnancy*
A guide to tests in uncomplicated pregnancies
Weight during pregnancy RANZCOG TIP
Birth information- vaginal birth
Assisted vaginal birth RANZCOG TIP
Assisted vaginal birth*
Assisted vaginal birth (antenatal)*
Fetal monitoring in labour RANZCOG TIP
Birth information- caesarean birth
Anaesthesia for caesarean section*
Emergency Caesarean Section*
Labour after caesarean section RANZCOG TIP
Birth information- pain relief options
Anaesthesia for caesarean section*
Pain relief in labour*
Pain relief in labour RANZCOG TIP
Pregnancy complications
Cerclage for short cervix*
Breech baby near the end of your pregnancy RANZCOG TIP
External cephalic version for breech baby*
Gestational diabetes RANZCOG TIP
After baby
Depression and anxiety following birth RANZCOG TIP
The first few weeks following birth RANZCOG TIP